Fast Company

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  • 网络快速公司;快公司;高成长公司;快递公司;高速企业
Fast CompanyFast Company
  1. An actual demo provided to Fast Company proved to have a few more glitches when turning off lights and playing music .


  2. Heldergroen creative director Sander Veenendaal told Fast Company it 's helping the firm build its brand , establish its culture and improve workers ' lives .


  3. Moved in fast company ; is known by the company she keeps .


  4. But these guys are fast company .


  5. The magazine " Fast Company " gives awards for what they call Social Capitalism .


  6. The25-year-old graced the cover of Fast Company magazine in April .


  7. Fast Company Magazine 's new learning resource center features an article I wrote for them on the informal learning theme .


  8. Company 's sales network proliferates national the chief city , the stable dealer troop can push to fast company 's product the national key market .


  9. According to Fast Company , a very tardy job interviewer doesn 't cast the company you 're interviewing with in a particularly good light .


  10. Mr Byrne is one of the most knowledgeable business writers around - a long-term writer for Business Week and the editor-in-chief of Fast Company .


  11. In the Fast Company excerpt , Mr. Cook told a story of what happened after he learned that Mr. Jobs needed a liver transplant in 2009 .


  12. Fast Company , where Tetzeli is executive editor , has been dishing out the newsiest chunks like ice cream , one scoop at a time .


  13. Back in February , Business magazine Fast Company highlighted a 2012 Vanity Fair interview with Obama : Youll see I wear only gray or blue suits , he ( Obama ) said .


  14. Earlier this month it was revealed by Fast Company that the so-called iPhone 8 will costs more than $ 1000 ( 800 pounds ) - making it the most expensive handset the firm has ever produced .


  15. Ads carrying the slogan ' Find it . Make it . Sell it ' will run in print magazines like Fast Company and across the Web on sites like CNN Money , said Kelly Sang , general manager of Americas .


  16. Combining our experience of building fast growth company and deep understanding of capital market , we bring value to companies located in China .


  17. The mcdonald 's fast food company is facing legal action by people who say its food make them fat and sick .


  18. The fast food company just raised the cost of its popular Big Mac hamburger and other food by 0.1-0.5 yuan .


  19. The fast food company have created a 87,500 square feet version of their founder , Colonel Sanders .


  20. For a fast growing company , the move made sense : who else to better keep pace than other companies offering dozens of rooms for rent ?


  21. We are a fast growing company and we approach the milestone feeling positive about the effort we have put forward for a long-term business success on the electronics industry .


  22. A new advertisement to remind people of the dangers of eating McDonald 's has infuriated the fast food company , the Guardian of London reported .


  23. New Wave Group is a Swedish fast growing company that focuses on the design , production and sales of promotional products , such as promo wear and corporate gifts .


  24. The article also explained the implementation and method of BPR in the researched Chinese fast food company , utilizing activity-based costing to evaluate the effect of business process reengineering in this company .


  25. Mr Blake 's early steps included visiting and studying experiences at McDonald 's , the fast food company , and JC Penney , the middle-American department store chain , which had both significantly improved their reputations for customer service .


  26. McDonald 's has long been portrayed as a success story in Russia , but over the past six months the fast food company has fallen foul of deteriorating relations between Moscow and the US , writes Courtney Weaver in Moscow .


  27. And mobile-ad click fraud is apparently growing fast , the company says .


  28. Chongqing Oil Company , as a fast developed middle-sized company , is a representative company in this industry .


  29. Carclo Group is a fast growing International Company , with the headquarters in the U.


  30. Pinnacle Technology is a fast growing software company focused on developing leading-edge next generation telecommunication and networking software .
